Video Guide
Instructional guide
Turn the Touchscreen on by pressing the red button underneath
The Touchscreen Console is a piece of management software that will be installed on one computer
When the Touchscreen is turned on, double click the Touchscreen Console icon
Open your Touchscreen Console, within the "Screens" tab and click Remote
You should now have a remote connection to the Touchscreen.
If the Touchscreen software is already running and you want to close it, click on the screen (or if you're in front of it, press with your finger), then press the ESC key.
SystmOne should already be running. If it isn't, you can double click the SystmOne icon to launch it.
Enter the Username and Password for the Touchscreen account and click Log on.
Click Log on and click it again when it appears as below
When SystmOne has fully logged on, minimise it
You should now see the Touchscreen desktop
Double click the Start Engage Touch shortcut to launch the Engage Touch arrival software
The Touchscreen will display System settings are currently being updated by the organisation until the Touchscreen Console is closed.
Close this window
If you would like to make amendments in your Touchscreen Console, you can do this now.
Ensure you click Sync and close the Touchscreen Console when finished.
The Touchscreen software is now ready to arrive patients!