How to use filters

To start using filters, simply click on the "Filters" button.

Then Click "Select Filters"

You can then chose which types of filters you wish to use, (note these can be further refined once selected.)

Filter types

There are, broadly speaking, 3 types of filter available.

1. Toggles 

Such as "Waiting for Patient" which is a binary choice allowing it to filter out either those requests that are waiting for a patient to respond, or those which are not.

2.  Multiple choice 

Such as "Request Type" which allow you to choose from a number of variables to further refine your search filter. You can select any number or combination of these to customise your search to your needs.

3. Keyword search 

There are two of these currently available "Conditions" and "Groups & Colleagues" 

Keyword search filters, allow you to search from the predefined lists of conditions or staff members, depending on the search used.

For example a search term like "Cancer" would auto-populate with all relevant conditions like so:

And a search term like "Dr" would populate a list of all those with that in their display name, like so:

Alert shown

This filter shows incoming requests where an "Alert" has been flagged as part of the consultation.

You may decide to allocate any of these flagged requests to your duty GP for triage or perhaps choose to mark them as a priority for review. 

The default set of alerts have been provided by EHS but are not intended to be exhaustive. Practices can add or amend alerts at their own discretion but bear responsibility for the content created.

To add alerts go to select 'Content' from the top toolbar as shown below.

Search for the problem you would like to manage or select 'All content' to see all the problems to select.

Here you can select 'Alert text' then 'Edit' to add in any appropriate text for the alert you want to display to the patient and it will show the alert on the Engage Client for that problem.