An update to the Engage Client is required for this release. 

Improved Filtering

As the increase in demand for health care and the services you provide continues to grow, concerns around Clinical Safety are more often than not at the top of the agenda.  To assist with this we have implemented a simple filter within the Engage Client which will identify any incoming requests where an "Alert" has been flagged as part of the consultation. Whilst this feature will not negate the need for thorough review, it will however provide you with the tool to aid you in mitigating any unnecessary risks by bringing these requests to your attention within the workflow. You could at this point decide to allocate any of these flagged requests to your duty GP for triage or perhaps choose to mark them as a priority for review.

If you haven't used the filter feature previously or you just want a reminder of what this can do, you can click here and there is a very simple tutorial that will explain everything you need to know. Also, good to remember that "Alerts" are not defined by Engage Consult, you the practice have the functionality within to add these "Alerts" where you deem it appropriate.


Incorporated Bullets 

We have made a small but hopefully a very beneficial change to the way the reported medical history and associated symptom outputs are displayed within  Feedback received so far is promising and tells us that it is much clearer, easier to read and most importantly avoids any ambiguity around what the patient has reported.  This change will also be reflected within the PDF that you save within the Clinical System.


Ongoing updates and User Interface (UI) improvements to Engage Consult within the NHS App.  This is an ongoing commitment which ensure long term benefits for our App users.  

Demand Management 

Within the demand management section of we have provided you with the option to set both Medical and Admin request limits to zero which will prevent any requests coming in via Engage Consult and also means that you dont have to go through the process of disabling the service every time the practice had a spike in demand.  For your information, once this release has gone live all of your existing settings will be carried over into the new version.  We would however recommend you revisit these sections periodically to ensure they continue to be in line with your existing or forecasted resource capacity.

Bugs & Architecture

A number of discrete bugs and quick fixes have been addressed within this release.  In addition, the PD team have been busy as usual behind the scenes ensuring that the infrastructure and architecture of the software continues to be robust.