There is no update to the Engage Client required for this release.

What's new?

Forgotten Password link added to login page of the toolbar

A new 'Forgotten Password' link has now been added to the Login page of the toolbar.   The link navigates the user to the Forgotten Password page where they are asked to enter the email address where the reset password link is to be sent to allow the user to reset their password.

What's fixed?

User incorrectly being navigated to the Patients List from Profile Info

The Details tab within Profile Info was navigating the user to the Choose Patient List.  This issue has now been resolved so that the user is navigated to the Details tab for the logged in user showing their name, DOB and address.

Error raised when submitting a request via NHS app

Resolved issue with error being raised when a user attempted to submit a request via Engage Consult.

MSK Users Only

Prevent patients from sending blank questionnaires

It was possible for patients to send blank questionnaires as a result of certain answers being submitted such as answering with 'I don't agree'.  When this is the case, a message is displayed to the patient advising them to seek help from their GP.