There is a new Desktop Client for this release - v15

Open patient record - Emis PCS

For Emis PCS customers, although not a function offered via their integration interface, we have found a way to implement the 'Open patient record' function for you:

Note: you will need to update your Engage Desktop Client to use this feature.

Engage Arrive for SystmOne

We're very excited to announce that SystmOne customers can now offer their patients the option to arrive for their appointment via their mobile phone, and best of all, we're offering this addon completely free of charge to our Engage Consult customers! 

You can add the option to arrive for an appointment on your Engage Consult portal or share the unique URL (found in your Management Console) wherever suitable. 

If you're an Emis Web customer, watch this space as Engage Arrive for Emis Web will be coming very soon!