The Data Sharing Agreements page allows organisations to record the existence of data sharing agreements between each other.  This means that when a patient has said they do not want their data to be shared with other organisations, organisations which have a data sharing agreement will be able to do this without giving a reason for sharing the request.

Click 'Add' and type in the organisations name or ODS. Click 'Save'.

If an organisation forwards a request to another organisation, unless that third organisation has a data sharing agreement with the originating organisation then they'll have to provide a reason for sharing the request with that organisation.

Organisations can either Accept or Refuse the data sharing agreement and can change that status at any time.  If both parties have Accepted the agreement then it is Active, if either party has Refused the agreement then it is Inactive.  Organisations will only be able to share requests without giving a reason (for patients who have not given consent to data sharing) when the agreement is active.  Once a request has been shared, it won't be unshared if the status of the agreement is changed to Inactive.

NOTE - this page can only be accessed by staff with full access to the management console.

Sending requests between organisation with Data Sharing Agreement (DSA)

If two organisations have an active DSA record in place at the time a request is sent between those two organisations, then if the request is from patient who has refused consent for sharing the request will be sent without the sending organisation needing to provide a reason for overriding the patient's choice of consent.